Bergara B14 Hunter cal 6,5×55. Hlauplengd 24 tommur. Twist 1:8.66″. Snittaður M14x1. Magasín 4+1. Ekki losanlegt.
Verð: Uppseldur

Lonanlegur skotgeymir er fáanlegur 3skot. Vinsamlega leitið upplýsinga hjá Jóa byssusmiðs varðandi viðbótar kostnað.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda: We created our stocks for optimum comfort in all shooting positions. The HUNTER stock makes this rifle extremely light (3,1kg) and comes with our Crush Zone® recoil pad for minimum impact.

Vörulýsing framleiðanda: The very crisp trigger is easily adjustable to the users’ ideal pull weight making it an important additional security and accuracy element. (The rifle leaves our factory with a 1,4kg trigger pull weight).

Vörulýsing framleiðanda þar sem meðal annars kemur fram er að mikið úrval er af svokölluðum ”aftermarket vörum” Sjónaukafestingar, gikkur og fl er sambærilegt við Remington 700: Our B14 action is accurate, reliable and probably the smoothest bolt action on the market in its segment. It features a two-lug bolt with a 90º opening angle and the dimensions allow easy customization with all kinds of accessories (rails, mounts, triggers, stocks…) available on the market.